GREENbike, Utah’s only nonprofit bike share, connects our community with employment centers, high-density residential units, transit stops, and popular entertainment destinations.
Bus Transit
Take advantage of TRAX and the FrontRunner buses that can take you almost anywhere in Salt Lake City.
UTA on Demand
The city of Salt Lake offers its very own version of Uber called UTA on Demand which offers a $2.50 flat rate, one-way trips to anywhere in the city.
S-Line Streetcar
The S-Line is Utah's first modern trolley and connects residential and commercial areas in Sugar House and South Salt Lake City.
The Hive
Did you know Salt Lake City Residents receive unlimited public transportation with the Hive Pass? Take advantage of regular buses, TRAX, and the S-Line streetcar + one year free GREENBike membership for just $42 a month.